Before this event sells out.
Grow Your Network, Make Long-Lasting Business Friendships, Learn How to Sell to Corporations
Learn What It Takes To Land Corporate Contracts From The 2017 Corporate Buyer Of The Year!
You need to be in the RIGHT ROOM, to make the RIGHT CONNECTIONS with the RIGHT PEOPLE!
If you are a business owner, a Dualpreneur who still works your 9 to 5 while running your business, or someone who wants to start a business, then you cannot afford to miss The Warm Handshake!
Tracy Copeland, Supplier Diversity, has a passion for teaching business owners the secrets to what it takes to get corporate contracts, and will share her expertise first-hand at the event.
The Warm Handshake is MORE THAN A MASTERCLASS.
It's literally the information you've been asking for that no one else wants to share with you.
Stop Hiding Behind Your Keyboard!
Like so many business owners selling services, you probably thought the hardest part of business ownership was creating the services you’re selling. You've managed to grow your business without people-ing, but you're quickly reaching a plateau.
Your plan was to grow and scale your business and keep delivering excellence...for the same 12 people. For a while, it worked. But when you realized networking events, meeting new people and making your social profiles public had to be part of your marketing strategy to scale, you started to rethink this whole CEO thing …
You’ve seen all the statistics that say big corporations are looking for ways to do business with small companies like yours, but you don’t know how to find the right corporate clients, or attract the bigger fish in the pond.
What’s the secret sauce to connect with them, and keep them engaged once you do? You struggle with finding the right people in your target companies to meet, let alone sell to.
Imagine never having the right words to say and always feeling like you’re about to ruin any opportunity you get because you don’t know how to present your business to new people.
Imagine missing out on money because you are uncomfortable introducing yourself to business contacts, so you just don’t do it.
Imagine never growing your business to its full potential because you convince yourself that your referral-based business is all it will ever be.
With The Warm Handshake you’ll go from fearful and intimidated to relaxed and in control, and you’ll learn how to build and grow relationships that will get you more contracts, more money and better business.
Meet Adriane Simpson,
Creator of The Warm Handshake
I’m Adriane Simpson, creator of The LinkedIn Pros and The Warm Handshake, both of which help business owners gain more visibility, share their expertise and land those five and six-figure contracts.
For many of my clients, networking – online or offline – is scary and intimidating and it causes their business to become stagnant or dry up completely.
To help them take control and move forward in their business, I’ve created safe spaces like The Warm Handshake where entrepreneurs can come and network without feeling the pressures they usually feel when attending those big, eat-or-be-eaten networking events.
If you’re a small business owner and you’re ready for more clients, more revenue and better business relationships, then grab your ticket to The Warm Handshake and let’s build your network in a way that feels true to you.
Start Building Relationships that Turn Into Sales
The Warm Handshake is more than a networking event. It's the best way for you to meet great people who have the same success mindset that you do. It's where you will meet your next JV partner with the skills to get you through the proposal process and get the contract!
✔Corporate Supplier Training - you will learn how to position your company to successfully win corporate contracts from the expert who develops the criteria for large corporations!
✔Talk that Talk – our team will do the small talk pre-work for you, so you know the information you need to know about who's in the room and is interested in your services. All you need to do is show up!
✔In-Person Fun – we will create icebreakers and opportunities for you to meet other business owners and take the pressure off, while ensuring you meet the right people.
✔Peace of Mind – no more worrying about who you should talk to next to get the next sale. No more calling friends, and friends of friends, or turning over every rock looking for your next hot lead.