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Please read the Terms and Conditions in their entirety. This agreement documents the legally binding terms and conditions associated with The LinkedIn Pros and their services. These terms and conditions govern all preceding events and communications. You are hereby agreeing to these Terms and Conditions in full. If you object with any of the Terms and Conditions described below do not continue.

Your signature is acknowledgement that you have read and agree to and accept all of the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement. You also agree to any amendments that the Company may send from time to time to the email address listed in your enrollment form.


1. Payment Terms

Before The LinkedIn Pros begins work a non-refundable deposit fee of $6,667 is required. It will be secured and will be offset against your final invoice upon project completion. All payments shall be made in United States dollars. The LinkedIn Pros will invoice you for a deposit of $6,667, then 2 subsequent payment of $6,667 every 4 weeks, for a total payment of $20,000.00. In the event of an overdue payment, we will attempt to gain payment once before considering the payment late. Late payment is considered a breach of contract entitling The LinkedIn Pros to suspend work or cancel the contract. Any changes to the approved Project Scope document are subject to additional fees and deadline extensions.


2. Warranties

The LinkedIn Pros services are provided without any warranties, express or implied. Any warranty implied by statute or law is excluded to the maximum extent permitted.


3. Responsibilities Of The Client

In order for The LinkedIn Pros to provide its services effectively the client shall be solely responsible for the following:

· Providing and/or approving relevant and appropriate copy

· Providing all necessary sales and marketing information applicable to the project

· Cooperate with respect to the efforts made by The LinkedIn Pros to: provide LinkedIn strategy and development services

· Cooperate with respect to the efforts made by The LinkedIn Pros to: business branding services


4. Scope of Work

The Scope of Work for this project includes an Optimized LinkedIn Profile, Brand Development Strategy, and Implementation. Please see deliverables below:


✔ Strategic Questionnaire

✔ Custom Branding of Digital Assets

    • LinkedIn Profile Page optimized

    • Keyword strategy researched and implemented

    • Positioning Statement

    • Company Page Creation/Update

    • Creation of LinkedIn Brand Announcement

✔ Prospect List Extraction/Creation

    • Prospect Opportunity Database of current LinkedIn connections

    • Target Avatar analysis

    • 10 Ideal Prospects provided as Look-a-Likes to a list that the Client provides

✔ Social Selling/Relationship Building

    • 500 Warm Leads introduced to your business via LinkedIn connections further in your sales funnel

    • Social Selling support assigned to your account

    • Grow your Connections – Executive Profile

    • Company Page Network Growth

✔ Content Marketing

    • Content calendar of strategic posts that speak to your target audience

    • 60-day series of Brand nurture posts - Executive Profile and Company Page

    • Keyword/Hashtag Strategy

    • Groups Strategy and Recommendations

✔ Establish Social Selling Metrics

✔ Client Review – 30/60/90/120 days

✔ LinkedIn Live Interview Series (3-part interview series)

✔ LinkedIn Team Training (Ongoing Maintenance Strategy)

✔ 120-Day Program


5. Confidentiality

Both parties, The LinkedIn Pros and the Client, assumes the responsibility of complete confidentiality at all times. They will not disclose, or permit the disclosure of, any confidential information including, but not limited to, marketing, sales, techniques, ideas, information, or data to a third party without prior written consent, excluding information in the public domain.


6. Liability

The LinkedIn Pros will provide its services to you in a professional and workmanlike manner. Under no circumstances is The LinkedIn Pros or its employees, officers, directors, or affiliates liable for any losses due to delay in service deliverables, where the delay is because of unforeseen, natural, or ungovernable causes. The LinkedIn Pros will not be liable to you for indirect, consequential, exemplary, punitive, or special liability under the law of contract, torts, or otherwise. Losses include, but are not limited to, loss of revenue, profits, reputations, etc. If you are advised on potential losses the limitations of liability still apply.


7. Severability

If any provisions are deemed by a court or other competent authority invalid, unlawful, or for any other reason unenforceable under applicable law it shall be deemed severable and will not impact or affect the validity or enforceability for the remaining provisions. Any invalid, unlawful, or unenforceable provisions will be deemed as such and deleted, the rest of the provisions will continue to remain in effect.


8. Governing Law and Jurisdiction

These Terms and Conditions will be governed by construed in accordance with Georgia Laws. Any disputes between the client and The LinkedIn Pros will be subject to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the state and federal courts located in Dekalb County for the resolution of any aforementioned disputes.


9. No Refunds

By signing this Agreement, you acknowledge that no one has represented to you that refunds are available. If in the future you wish to rescind your request for services, you will continue to be billed through the end of the Term in accordance with Section 1 of this Agreement. You also agree to not initiate any chargebacks. The payment terms and no-refunds policies are material conditions to the Company’s agreeing to enter into this Agreement with you, and their absence would cause the Company to not enter into this Agreement.


10. Headings

The section headings, titles of paragraphs and subparagraphs contained in this Agreement are for the purpose of convenience only, and they neither form a part of this Agreement nor should they be used in the construction or interpretation of it.


11. Electronic Signatures and Executed Counterparts.

This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of which is deemed an original, but all of which together are deemed to be one and the same agreement. You agree that your electronic signature is valid and binding evidence of your assent to the terms of this Agreement. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, a signed copy of this Agreement delivered by facsimile, email, or other means of electronic transmission is deemed to have the same legal effect as delivery of an original signed copy of this Agreement.


12. Entire Agreement

These Terms and Conditions, along with any other legal notices or disclaimers posted, constitute the entire agreement between you and The LinkedIn Pros. The most current version supersedes all previous agreements. The LinkedIn Pros reserves the right to modify or update these Terms and Conditions at any time they see fit. Accepting this agreement constitutes your formal acceptance of all updated Terms and Conditions and it is up to you to monitor and check for updates. Should you change your mind and object to any of the provisions we ask that you contact your representative and discontinue use immediately.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the Terms and Conditions previously described, please contact us using the information below.

7330 Moss Stone Dr., SW. Conyers. GA 30094


Thanks for submitting!

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